Conventus Terra Mariana > Stud. Dei Contemplationis > Deo Gratias

Deo Gratias

Now, when our kind bishop Msgr. Philippe Jourdan has brought to the public soon under realisation placing of the figure of Heavenly Queen, Holy Virgin Mary, in front our St. Apostles Peter and Paul Tallinn Episcopal Roman Catholic Cathedral just aside from the main entrance under the portal letter “Hic Vere Est Domus Dei Et Porta Coeli”, I am happy that our people will see, that my announcements about wondrous vision, which I have been carrying since the early spring of 2012, will realise in full amount and for sure better, than I could dare to hope, because it is born in will and guardian of our Heavenly Father.             

I invite the whole population of Terra Mariana to be deserving to our Heavenly Queen, that she for ever keeps and protects us in her prayers, that we could serve and protect in faith people of this Holy Land at the place.   

 In Christ and Mary,   

 Our Lord's humble student Ioan together with my companion Marika Katarina

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